The Lowry Avenue Bridge is a popular subject for Minneapolis photographers. My friend, Matt Treiber, (pictured to the left) organized a meetup at the bridge on the Vernal Equinox for an event he dubbed “LowryHenge” because the sun would set in perfect alignment with the bridge’s east-west orientation. When we arrived, Matt greeted us all with a pan of cupcakes and a flask of whiskey. Matt’s a good guy.
The bridge is beautiful any time, and we had resigned ourselves to less-than-ideal lighting because it was pretty cloudy that night. But about 15 minutes before it was scheduled to set, the sun peeked out from behind the clouds and lit up the sky in a spectacular fashion. We all got busy shooting.
Meetups like this are always fun because you get to see old friends and make some new ones. We chatted with another photographer on the bridge and invited him out for drinks afterwards at the new Betty Danger’s Country Club, where we all caught up on each others’ lives. Cupcakes, whiskey, camaraderie and a beautiful bridge; a great start to the weekend.
ProjectLowryhenge DateMarch 20, 2015